Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Perihal Diamku

Cuaca akhir-akhir ini benar-benar berhasil membuatku menyerah, beberapa minggu aku sudah bertahan dengan cuaca panas di siang hari dan akan sangat dingin saat malam sampai pagi hari. Sudah lama hujan tak datang, ini kemarau, gersang, sama seperti hatiku. Lama hujan tak pernah datang, lama juga kabarmu tak kunjung kudapatkan. Pamitmu waktu itu melalui pesan disalah satu sosial media, bahwa setahun kedepan kau tak bisa memberi kabar, aku menangis terisak. Hatiku tak bisa serta merta menerima keputusan sepihak, hujan mungkin tak sedang turun diluar, tapi ia jatuh dari sudut mataku. Saat itu aku sedang dikotamu, berkaca-kaca mataku tetap menatap layar ponsel digenggaman, membaca pesanmu berulang-ulang, berharap kau salah kirim, atau apapun yang bisa lebih membuatku tenang.
"Bila sudah dikotamu saja aku masih tak bisa melihatmu, lalu aku harus pergi kemana?"

Senin, 07 September 2015

Dream as high as the sky.

Gue percaya bahwa setiap orang punya mimpi, cita-cita, harapan, juga keinginan. And my teacher ever told to me, "It's oke to have a dream as high as the sky, coz when you fall, you still among the stars." Dan nggak sedikit orang yang (mungkin) punya cita-cita sama kayak gue. STUDY ABROAD. Yes, I know I'm not the only one. Study di luar negeri jelas menuntut kita harus bisa bahasa inggris biar lebih gampang berkomunikasi, bukan cuma itu sih, karna sebelum keluar negeri udah pasti kita bakalan di test TOEFL juga. Dan jujur gue belum pernah test. #suck

Kalo ditanya orang, "Lo pengen kemana emang kalo mau study abroad?"
Gue lebih sering jawab, "Australia"
Even though... gue bakal terima-terima aja sih kemanapun diluar negeri asal gue afford. Meskipun belum valid gue pengen di Universitas mana ntar, dan padahal juga masih mau semester segini, masih lama yang mau lulus. :D

But, you know what?

Rabu, 02 September 2015

The Lowest Point of Life

This morning, I asked to my friends via Group WhatsApp Messenger, I asked them about life.

“Guys?  Have you ever felt or moderate experiencing the lowest point in life?
“Yes, I’m”
“I feel it also, in the lowest point”
“Yeah, me too”
Then I stop to ask them and thinking for a while, all this time I felt just me who had a problem and felt stuck in the lowest point of life, but when I looked around, I saw many people had a problem and it’s hard to walked away. Their foot felt so heavy to moved. Their shoulders looked heavier than usual, as much of the burden borned. Their eyes looked more wistful than before, like a lot of the night they spent to stayed awake. And I saw them still have smile to share, till no everyone know what happen in their life, how broken their heart, how difficult to still show good condition, but they’re not.
I learn from you guys, how can you be patient and still struggle? How can you give smile but your mouth want to scream? How can your eyes still sparkle but you want to cry loudly? I'm so shy with myself, I had too much to complain. But I’ve never strive to pray more diligent, so how can Allah give me more if I never say thankful to Him who was given me everything free?